Monday, August 6, 2012


Wakati Real Madrid wakiwa kwenye mazoezi huko UCLA, Jose Mourinho alikuwa akitoa darasa la masaa mawili aliloliita "Mourinho Way" katika chuo kikuu. Huku akisaidiwa na wasaidizi wake pamoja na program ya powerpoint, Mourinho alitoa darasa kwa makocha wa kimarekani 200.

"Hakuna sababu moja wa mbili kwa mafanikio yangu. Kuna vitu vingi sana na ambavyo vifanye kwa kazi kwa umoja," aliwaambia wanafunzi wake."

Mourinho pia akatoa mafunzo kuhusu namna anavyoongoza benchi la ufundi, kugawanya na kusambaza kazi miongoni mwa wasaidizi wake, namna anavyojua kucheza na akili za wapinzani na jinsi ya anavyowajenga kiakili wachezaji wake na vitu vingine vingi.


Mabingwa wa kombe la klabu Bingwa Afrika Mshariki na kati kombe la Kagame, timu ya Young Africans Sports Club leo imepongezwa na Wabunge wa Bunge la Jamhuri wa Muungano Tanzania kwa kufanikiwa kutwaa Ubingwa huo.

Akiongea katika Ukumbi wa Bunge, Spika wa Bunge la Jahmuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania mh, Anna Makinda alisema anawapongeza wachezaji na viongozi wake wote, kwa kulilteta Taifa ubingwa huo ambao timu 11 kutoka nchi wanachama zilishiriki.

Mh Makinda alisema anafuraha siku ya leo, kwa kuwa Bunge limetembelewa na wageni wengi, wakiwemo watu mashuhuri na wageni maalumu timu ya Young Africans Sports Club.

Spika alianza kwa kuwatambulisha Bodi ya Wadhamin wa klabu ya Young Africans wakiongozwa na mama mlezi wa klabu hiyo, Mama Karume, Francis Kifukwe kisha akawatambulisha Mwenyekiti mpya wa Young Africans Yusuph Manji na makamu mwenyekiti ndugu Clement Sanga.

Baada ya hapo ilifuata zamu ya wachezaji na viongozi wakiwa na wazee wa klabu hyo, makofi mengi mfululizo zaidi ya dakika moja vilianza kupigwa kwenye meza baada ya Nahodha Nadir Haroub Cannavaro kusimama na kuonyesha Kombe kwa watu wote na wabunge waliokuwepo ndani ya bunge.

Waziri Mkuu Mizengo Pinda pamoja na baadhi ya wabunge na mawaziri baada ya utambulisho wa Young Africans ndani ya bunge, walitoka nje kwa pamoja na kupiga picha na wachezaji na viongozi wa yanga wakiwa na kombe hilo la Kagame.

Baada ya utambulisho, wabunge wa wanachama wa Young Africans waliaaalika wageni wao wote kupata kifungua kinywa katika mgahawa wa bunge.

Wabunge wanachama wa Young Africans waliandaa kikao cha mda mfupi ndani ya ukumbe wa bunge la zaman (Msekwa Hall) ambapo wabunge, viongozi na wachezaji waliweza kufahamiana kwa undani zaidi.


Mwenyekiti Yusph Manji alifungua rasmi tawi jipya katika eneo la Bunge ambapo mwenyekiti wa Yanga tawi la bungeni ni mh. misanga, katibu mkuu wake akiwa ni Mh Godfrey Zambi, mweka hazina mh.Martha Mlata huku Grace Kiwelu, Mwigulu Nchemba, Faki Makame, na wengineo wakitajwa kama wajumbe katika uongozi huo.

Mh Captain George Mkuchika ambaye jana aliteuliwa kuwa mjumbe wa bodi ya wadhamin wa klabu, pia ndio aliyeteuliwa kuwa mlezi wa tawi la Young Africans bungeni.

Dua za kubariki tawi hilo zilisomwa kwa pande zote mbili za dini kisha wabunge na viongozi kupiga picha za pamoja, ambapo pia jioni ya leo wabunge wameaanda futari kwa ajili ya wageni hao.

Timu inatarajiwa kureje jijini Dar kesho kuendelea na maaandalizi ya msimu mpya wa ligi kuu nchini inayotazamiwa kuanza septembe mosi.



Klabu ya Simba imeendelea kufungua makucha yake katika soko la usajili, baada ya wiki iliyopita kumtwaa Mbuyi Twite na Mrisho Ngassa, leo hii klabu hiyo imefanikiwa kumsajili kiungo wake wa zamani aliyekuwa akiichezea Azam Ramadhan Chombo Redondo.

Kwa taarifa rasmi nilizozipata kutoka kwa Redondo mwenyewe ni kweli amesaini mkataba na Simba akitokea Azam baada ya mkataba wake kumalizika. "Nimesaini mkataba wa miaka miwili na Simba nikiwa mchezaji huru baada ya mkataba wangu na mwajiri wangu wa zamani  Azam kumalizika"

Redondo ambaye aliondoka Simba takribani miaka 3 iliyopita, amesaini Simba kwa ada ya millioni 30, leo pekee wakati akisaini amepewa shilingi millioni 20, na millioni 10 zilizobaki atamaliziwa baadae.


The continent’s latest superstar has been born! Africa chose South Africa’s Keagan as the winner of AfricaMagic’s Big Brother StarGame last night (5 August on DStv Channel 197 & 198 at 20:00 CAT) – and rocketed him to superstardom and the massive USD 300 000 prize after 91 days of 24/7 drama and thrills.

Keagan, Kyle, Lady May, Prezzo, Talia and Wati were all in the running during the final week – but the man from Cape Town won Africa’s hearts and votes. Wati was the first housemate to be evicted on the night, followed by Kyle, Talia, Lady May and, finally, Prezzo. Keagan and Prezzo entered the game on two different sides – Downville and Upville, respectively – on 6 May and kept Africa entertained for 91 days.

The Big Brother StarGame Finale was a celeb-studded affair, kicking off with a special edition of STARGIST on DStv Channel 197, hosted by Vimbai Mutinhiri and Lawrence Maleka, who interviewed former Big Brother StarGame housemates, fans and business executives such as M-Net Africa Managing Director Biola Alabi and Olufemi Ashipa, Brand Manager Colas: Coca Cola Nigeria.

Stars of Big Brother seasons past were keen onlookers in the live studio audience, alongside VIP’s like Zinzi Mandela. African music superstars also took to the Big Brother stage to take the Finale to the next level. Nigerian hip-hop star D’Banj, Ugandan hip-hop powerhouse Navio, sizzling South African MC Khuli Chana, award-winning Ghanaian hip-life king Sarkodie and Nigeria’s phenomenal Afro-pop star Naeto C all rocked the stage, giving viewers a night they’ll never forget!

Big Brother StarGame dominated TV screens – but also rocked the online space! The show generated over 2 million messages to TV, over 2 million unique online browsers, 128 000 000 page views, over 250 000 Twitter followers and nearly 900 000 Facebook likes!

Taarifa kwa umma kuhusu kuwepo kwa mgonjwa wa EBOLA mkoani Kagera

                          JAMHURI YA MUUNGANO WA TANZANIA
                          WIZARA YA AFYA NA USTAWI WA JAMII


Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii inapenda kutoa taarifa kwa umma, kuhusu tetesi zilizokuwa zimeenea hapa nchini kutoka kwenye vyombo mbali mbali vya habari kuhusu kuwepo kwa mgonjwa wa Ebola,wilayani Karagwe mkoa wa Kagera.

Mnamo tarehe 3 Agosti 2012, Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi Wa Jamii ilipokea taarifa kutoka kwa mganga mkuu wa wilaya ya Karagwe ya kuwepo kwa mgonjwa aliyekuwa anahisiwa kuwa na dalili za ugonjwa wa Ebola, katika hospitali ya Wilaya ya Nyakahanga. Aidha,taarifa hiyo ilibainisha kuwa mgonjwa huyo alikuwa ni mtoto wa kiume mwenye umri wa miaka (6|) kutoka katika kijiji cha Nyakatundu wilayani Karagwe. Mgonjwa huyu alikuwa na dalili za homa kali, kulegea, kutokwa damu puani, kutapika damu, na kukojoa damu.Maelezo kutoka kwa mama mzazi zilieleza kuwa mtoto huyu alianza kuugua kuanzia tarehe 30 Agosti 2012, ambapo alipatiwa dawa ya Septrin baada ya hospitali binafsi kuonyesha kuwa ana ugonjwa wa“Typhoid”.

Uchunguzi wa awali katika hospitali ya Nyakahanga ulionyesha kuwa mtoto huyu alikuwa anasumbuliwa na uambukizo kwenye haja ndogo (Urinary Tract Infection).Vile vile alifanyiwa uchunguzi wa kimaabara na Vipimo vya malaria, Hepatitis na Typhoid havikuonyesha kuwepo kwa magonjwa haya. Hospitali inaendelea kumpatia matibabu mtoto huyu na imewaweka mgonjwa na mama yake anayemtunza kwenye chumba maalum (Isolatiom room) kwa ajili ya uangalizi zaidi.

Aidha mnamo tarehe 4 Agosti 2012, timu za wataalamu kutoka Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii kwa kushirikiana na timu ya mkoa wa Kagera imeweza kufika na kumfanyia uchunguzi wa kina pamoja na kuchukua sampuli za damu kwa ajili ya uchunguzi zaidi katika maabara ya Taifa ya uchunguzi wa magonjwa na Maabara za nje ya nchi, ili kubaini kama ameathirika na ugonjwa wa Ebola. Timu hiyo ya wataalamu imetoa taarifa kuwa hali ya mgonjwa huyu kwa sasa imeimarika ikiwa pamoja na kutokuwa na homa, kutapika na kukojoa damu kumekoma pia, uchunguzi uliofanywa kwa mama wa mtoto umeonyesha kuwa hana dalili zozote za ugonjwa wa Ebola.Vile vile hakuna taarifa ya mtu mwingine yeyote kwenye familia hiyo au kwenye maeneo ya kijiji hicho au cha jirani kuwa na dalili za ugonjwa huo.

Kufuatia taarifa hii, Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii kwa kushirikiana na Mkoa wa Kagera imechukua hatua zifuatazo;
• Imepeleka timu ya wataalamu mbali mbali kutoka Wizarani na mkoa kwa lengo la kwenda kufuatilia na kutoa taarifa kuhusu kuwepo kwa ugonjwa huo.
• Imetoa elimu ya Afya kuhusu njia za kuzuia kuenea ugonjwa wa Ebola pamoja na dalili za ugonjwa huu, kwa wananchi na watumishi wa afya katika hospitali ya Nyakahanga
• Kupeleka vifaa kinga katika hospitali ya Nyakahanga pamoja na maeneo ya mipakani
• Kutoa matangazo kwa jamii kwa kutumia vipaaza sauti na kupitia radioni (Radio Karagwe) kuhusu ugonjwa huu. Aidha, vipeperushi pia vimetolewa.


Wizara inapenda kuufahamisha umma kuwa mpaka sasa hakuna mgonjwa yeyote aliyethibitishwa kuwa na ugonjwa wa Ebola hapa nchini.Aidha, Wizara ya Afya imejiaanda kikamilifu kukabiliana na ugonjwa huu iwapo utatokea hapa nchini.

Kwa sasa timu za wataalum zipo katika mikoa ya Mara, Mwanza, Kagera, Kigoma, Kilimanjaro na Arusha, kutoa elimu juu ya ugonjwa huu kwa wataalamu na kwa wananchi na vilevile kufuatilia ugonjwa huu sehemu za mipakani.

Wizara inaendelea kutoa wito kwa wananchi kutoa taarifa haraka kwenye kituo chochote cha kutolea huduma za afya, mara wanapoona dalili za ugonjwa huu.

Oscar: I hope I can persuade Neymar to join Chelsea

The Blues’ latest recruit wants his international team-mate to join him at Stamford Bridge as he bids for Premier League and Champions League glory next season

Chelsea's new Brazilian midfielder Oscar has revealed he is eager to see his international colleague Neymar follow him and make a move to west London.

The pair are currently on Olympic duty for their country, where they have progressed to the semifinals, and Santos star Neymar has impressed.

He has been linked with a move to Europe for several years, and Oscar has revealed he will be doing all he can to ensure when that move comes, he will be coming to Stamford Bridge.

"While we are in London, I have been telling Neymar about the ambition of Chelsea," he told The People. "When the time comes for him to join a European club, I hope I can persuade him."

Oscar joined Roberto Di Matteo's side for 32 million euros before the Olympic tournament began, and he admits that after hearing of the Blues' interest he had little hesitation in deciding to move to England.

He added: "When my agent told me that Chelsea were interested it was not something I even needed to think about. They are the champions of Europe, but they are still showing so much ambition by improving the squad.

"To win the European Cup and still sign guys like myself and Eden Hazard shows you the ambition the owner and manager have. With the squad we have I will be looking at winning the Premier League title and also the Champions League.

"I know it is very difficult to win [the Champions League] twice in a row and even Barcelona could not do it, but with what Chelsea have in place it is very possible."

However before he gets his Chelsea career underway, the former Internacional man hopes to win Olympic gold for Brazil.

"The Brazilian Football Confederation have told us that they don't expect anything less than gold - and that is what we are going to deliver," he added. "To win an Olympic gold would be very special for me.

Waziri Mkuu Wa Syria Ajiuzulu...

Riad Hijab, amejiuzulu anakuwa afisaa wa ngazi ya juu zaidi katika serikali ya rais Assad kujiuzulu

Nemanja Vidic has admitted it will be a few weeks yet before he is back to top form.

The Manchester United skipper made an eagerly-awaited comeback from his cruciate operation in Norway on Sunday.
Vidic managed an hour of the 0-0 friendly draw with Valerenga in Oslo without a problem and is expected to play on Wednesday, when United take on Barcelona in Gothenburg.

United facing Moura transfer problems

Manchester United transfer news: Brazil star Lucas Moura edges closer to £30million move


Manchester United have suffered a setback in their chase to sign South American starlet Lucas Moura, after the Brazilian Football Confederation said that it would refuse to release the player for a medical should a request be made by the club.
The 19-year-old midfielder is expected to play for coach Mano Menezes' side in their Olympic semi-final against South Korea at Old Trafford tomorrow.
The confederation said that United had not made a request after a report that a £30million bid had been accepted by Sao Paulo.

Make Your Blog be The Best in The World

Judging Criteria

Blogs have become very popular in the past couple of years because they gave individuals a voice on the Internet. You no longer have to be a hotshot publisher, an ace reporter or a sought-after columnist to get your thoughts read. You can have a free account with a blog host and post your thoughts online anytime you want.
However, having a great blog is not easy pickings. There are a few things that separate a great blog from a good blog, and also a good blog from one that's downright rubbish. There are tens of millions of blogs out there, so it's great to have an excellent blog that stands out!
It takes a good combination of content and design to make a good blog. Add to that a dash of personality and a good sprinkling of passion, and you might just have what it takes to have a great blog. And here, we reward well-written, well-designed blogs that are created and maintained with passion and personality.

Visual Aesthetics

Content is king. But design is queen. You could write the most gripping articles on your blog, but if your site is too disorganized or simply too drab, then people might find you uninteresting. But if your blog design is too loud and too jampacked, then you would just end up giving your readers a headache.
We judge visual aesthetics by the ability of a blog's design elements to blend in harmony with one another, from the site layout to the color scheme, to the fonts used. You can go for a minimalist look, or prefer colorful artistic renditions, but what's important is that your blog is pleasing to the eye. Also, we give a plus for originality in design!

User Friendliness

You can have the most beautiful-looking blog with the most outstanding writings, but if your site is difficult to use and navigate, no one would bother to return and read up on what you have to say. User friendliness and usability are important design considerations in determining a great blog.
First, your site should be readable. The font size should be large enough and the contrast level high enough so your readers would not have to go looking for magnifying glasses or to squint in order to read your copy. Then, your blog should be navigable. Readers should not have a hard time going around your blog, it would be great to have the convenience of one-click links to your homepage, archives, links, and profile. And for the love of blogging, please refrain from incorporating those snazzy animations and multimedia files, because they only slow up loading of your blog, and not everyone can load them up. You would only end up frustrating your readers.
We judge user friendliness by a blog's being readable, navigable, usable, and by how easily your site loads up on the web browser. Help us explore your blog better!

Reading Enjoyment

Content is king. One primary motivation for reading a blog is great content. A good blog should have interesting information that comes in a well-written package. Whether you're talking about your life story or news on business matters, or any topic at all, your blog should be gripping enough to keep your readers coming back.
Another important aspect of blogs is feedback. Eliciting a lively conversation is as important as writing the original blog posting itself. Blogs have commenting features for a reason, and that's to give readers a venue to voice out their own thoughts in response to what you write.
Also important are the voice and tone of your blog. Writings on a blog should not sound stiff and cold, because it should primarily be written with a personal touch, or it wouldn't be a blog at all!
We judge reading enjoyment according to the quality of a blog author's writings, and whether his/her articles are interesting enough to merit a good discussion by readers.

Useful Info

There are tens of millions of blogs out there, and most of them just echo each other. Many bloggers are fond of quoting (and mis-quoting) other news sources and even other blogs. What makes one a good blogger is the ability to present or link to useful information on one's blog. What makes someone a great blogger is the ability to put up information that is both useful and original.
We judge usefulness of information based on how a blogger can point out great stuff elsewhere (i.e. through links) and how a blogger can synthesize these bits of information gathered from other sources. Originality is definitely a plus. And don't skimp on introducing yourself,if we find a blogger's life story or profile interesting enough, then this is definitely a big plus!

Overall Experience

Synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The same goes for blogs. Based on the above factors - reading enjoyment, visual aesthetics, user friendliness, and useful info - we can now determine whether a blog is great, good, or just another blog out of millions, with no impressive quality at all.
We judge overall experience by how enjoyable, interesting, and read-worthy we think a blog is. And we list blogs with great content, design, usability and interesting info that we think are deserving of being bookmarked and oft revisited.