Frequency Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I use Template To my Blog? – This is a tricky one. While most blogs take inspiration from other blogs in their design in one way or another (there are only so many ways you can layout a page, so many colors etc) I’m a little protective of the ProBlogger design for a number of reasons. Having said all that – if you want to take some inspiration from some element of ProBlogger feel free to do so – but I would ask you to not copy the whole thing, to make your design your own and if you take some inspiration from it to acknowledge that with a link.
Can you take a Look at my blog and review it? – I’ll answer this one by simply saying it’s a question I get asked 10 or more times a day. If I responded with a yes I could spend quite a bit of time doing it and not do much else. Please don’t be offended when I say no (or even don’t get back to you with an answer) but I am currently not taking on this type of work (either in a paid or unpaid capacity), even ‘quick looks’ at blogs. Sorry but at this point it’s beyond what I can offer.
Are you Going to Write a Book on this Topic? – It’s something I’ve thought a lot about over the last year or so. I think it’s a fairly safe bet to say that it will happen. You’ll be the first to know.
Can I leave a link to my own blog in my comments? – We had a big debate over this and the upshot of it was that while I’m not a big fan of signatures in comments I will allow them IF the comment is relevant to the post or the discussion. If your comment is only a link, or says something like ‘nice post – here is my blog’ etc it will be treated as comment spam. I’m the judge of what is and isn’t spam. The best thing you can do is keep your comments helpful, engaging and on topic and you won’t have a problem. I use ‘no follow’ tags in comments anyway – so you will not benefit in an SEO sense by doing it either legitimately or spammily.
May I republish posts from your Blog on my own Blog? – You may not republish full posts from my Blog without my direct permission (and in most cases if permission is sought I will still say no). Feel free to quote anything from this blog (within reason – ie a paragraph or two is pretty normal) with a link to it as a source, but keep in mind that this is copyrighted material. I regularly find people who do republish my articles without acknowledgment of source and/or without permission and pursue them to remove it.

My Blogging Activities

What are your Blogs and How much do they Earn? – While I’m happy to talk about my overall income occasionally I do not get into talking about which of my blogs earn how much money. A guy has to have some secrets. I regularly have my site’s copied as it is without giving away all the details of what I’m doing. All of my blogs have been mentioned at one time or another. I don’t hide what I do – but I’m not in the business of inviting people to copy everything. My Blog is about sharing principles of how to blog for money which can be applied in many niches – the most successful bloggers carve their own niches on topics that have not been done to death already by others.
How Much time do you Spend Blogging? – Over the years blogging has progressed from a hobby, to a part time job for pocket money to a small business. The time I put into blogging reflects this. These days I’m a full time blogger and as a result most week days you can find me in front of my ToshibaPC for at least 8 hours. Like most small business operators I fall into the temptation of doing more than a full time load from time to time (it’s tempting when you love your work and when you work from home).
How much traffic do you get to your Blogs? – The total numbers of visitors to my blogs vary incredibly from day to day.


Where do you Live? - I live in Tanzania- Dar es Salaam
How Long have you been Blogging? - I started my first blog in February 2011 
How did you start Blogging? – A friend shot me an email telling me about a site (a blog) that I might be interested in. The recommended blog was on the same topic and as I surfed it I not only connected with the author and his content – but was intrigued by the idea of blogging. I immediately saw the possibilities of it for the community we were starting and within 24 hours had my own blog up and running. The rest, as they say, is History. Blogging has since evolved considerably since my first blog.
What did you do before you started Blogging? – I’ve had an occupational history with many twists and turns – but for the majority of the2 years proceeding my full time blogging I was a Manager in FyKon Computer Solutions. I still do this work.
Why don’t you talk about your Family Much? – I don’t refer to my personal life too much here at My Blog for a number of reasons. Firstly it doesn’t really fit with the focus of this blog. This is a site about making money from blogging and while my family does benefit from this it’s not a personal blog where I talk too much about what I do from day to day. Secondly I’m a firm believer in having boundaries as a blogger in terms of what you do and don’t talk about. When you’re communicating in a public arena security and privacy need to be thought through.


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